

CDTI Enters in SATLANTIS’ Capital, in a 16.5 Million Round of Investment

With the entry of CDTI (the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology) in its capital, UF startup and UF Innovate | Accelerate at The Hub resident SATLANTIS has closed its second-round investment to which Enagás, Sepi, Orza and Axis-Ico are also incorporated, for a cumulative total of 16.5 million euros.

UF Innovate Reveals New Display in Lobby of The Hub

More than 150 innovators and entrepreneurs attended an in-person event, while 40 joined via livestream to unveil a new, lighted floor-to-ceiling mural in the lobby of UF Innovate | Accelerate at The Hub.

SATLANTIS Receives the Keicho Award for Innovation and Technology by CEJE

UF startup and UF Innovate | The Hub resident SATLANTIS, a Spanish business that develops Earth Observation (EO) optical payloads for small satellites around the world, received the “Keicho Award for Innovation and Technology”, within the fifth edition of the initiative by the Círculo Empresarial Japón España - CEJE (Business Circle Japan Spain), for promoting commercial relations between Spain and Japan.

Enagás and SATLANTIS Start Microsatellite Camera Calibration Tests To Detect Emissions

Enagás and SATLANTIS, a UF startup and UF Innovate | The Hub resident company specializing in high-performance optical loads for observation of the Earth for small satellites, are carrying out high-precision optics calibration tests, which will be inserted into a constellation of space microsatellites, known by the acronym GEISAT (Greenhouse Gases), to detect and quantify methane emissions on Earth.

SATLANTIS Receives Investment From Two Spanish Companies

UF startup and UF Innovate | The Hub resident client SATLANTIS, a company specializing in high-performance optical loads for observation of the Earth for small satellites, has had the entry into its shareholding by Enagás, the main natural gas transporter in Spain, after a capital increase of 14 million euros.

High-Resolution Cameras in Space for a European Maritime Surveillance System

Observe the Earth from space to improve the defense of the European Union. With this objective in mind, UF startup and UF Innovate | The Hub resident company SATLANTIS, a provider of high-performance payload technologies for Earth observation and remote sensing, is leading a European project to develop critical technologies with which to implement a maritime surveillance mission.