

NSF-Funded Project Helps Veterans Build Skills in Cybersecurity

Led by UF's Warren B. Nelms Institute, the three-year project is called Pivots: VETS-HASTE: Veterans SkillBridge through Industry-Based Hardware Security Training and Education; it is funded by $1 million from the National Science Foundation and is led by Ray of UF’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Wanli Xing, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the College of Education.

NSF Director: Let’s Seize This Moment To Achieve Prosperity for All

The Honorable Sethuraman Panchanathan, director of the National Science Foundation, visited the University of Florida on Friday, May 27, to learn more about UF’s research initiatives and share his vision for accelerating scientific advancements to benefit all. He is interviewed by guest host, David Norton, vice president for research at the University of Florida.