UF To Lead $7.5M NSF-Funded Project on Protecting Security of Marginalized and Vulnerable Populations
Using a $7.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), University of Florida engineers are leading a new effort to understand how groups like the poor, children and the elderly, and the disabled are marginalized by current technologies like smartphones and video conferencing and how current and future technologies can be designed to be more inclusive.
“Computing systems and services have become ubiquitous in modern society and are deeply embedded in people’s daily lives,” said Kevin Butler, principal investigator on the project and a professor in UF’s Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE). “As practices and technologies for ensuring security and privacy of computing systems emerge in this rapidly changing technological landscape, the needs of marginalized and vulnerable populations have been largely unaddressed, as have the consequences of their exclusion.”
Learn more about UF To Lead $7.5M NSF-Funded Project on Protecting Security of Marginalized and Vulnerable Populations