University Tech Ventures Symposium
Event Details
The UTVS (a virtual conference on February 17, 2022) is designed to provide a forum to enable conversations and interactions that promote the creation and diffusion of innovation
Event Details
The UTVS (a virtual conference on February 17, 2022) is designed to provide a forum to enable conversations and interactions that promote the creation and diffusion of innovation by: (A) The creation of new Technology Ventures, (B) Funding of new Technology Ventures or, (C) Transfer of new technologies to existing companies. More information about the Symposium can be found at the attached flyer (Attachment 2).
The symposium includes: Two Keynote speakers, Student, Research, Alumni sessions, an Investor session, and a Student Competition at the end of the day (winner will receive $10,000 award). In the mid-afternoon the symposium has Educational/Inspirationalsessions of interest to all stakeholders, (students, faculty, researchers, alumni, investors, entrepreneurs, innovators, community leaders).
The UTVS 2022 Presenters site is included below (will be updated periodically until February 17, 2022).
To register for the symposium please visit the link below and register (registration is FREE!).
February 17, 2022 All Day(GMT-11:00)