The Power of Negotiation, Getting to Yes

The Power of Negotiation, Getting to Yes

03jun10:30 am11:30 amThe Power of Negotiation, Getting to YesSanta Fe College IPDC Webinar with Jennifer Webb of Magic Communication

Event Details

Magic Communication offers dynamic training/consulting in leadership, communication, customer service and presentational skills, with a strong emphasis on helping women grow their careers. Her core message: Our attitudes and expectations create our realities and impact everyone around us. We have the power to change how we think. Happiness is a skill and a choice.

Takeaways from this event include:

• Learn how to use Moves and Turns to position yourself effectively
• Understand your BATNA strategy
• Know the five styles of negotiation as well as the stages of negotiating
• Leveraging the psychology behind effective negotiation

Negotiation is a collection of behaviors that include clear communication, assertiveness, problem solving and collaboration. It’s essential to have a clear understanding of your own motivations, what do you really want and why, and those of the other party, as you try to persuade others to do what you want them to do. Learn what you need to know in order to make negotiation a part of your daily life, from what you pay for an item to benefits when you join a new company. Whether self employed or part of an organization, If we aren’t savvy negotiators we miss opportunities all the time!

The SF College IPDC Zoom Webinar Series offers local inventors, entrepreneurs and innovators the opportunity to connect with IPDC Partners, organizations and private sector companies who provide mentoring and learning opportunities for start-ups and their founders. These FREE events are led by subject area experts and cover topics relevant to product commercialization and growing your new business. The on-line events will be recorded and available for future viewing.

Thank you to our Sponsor: Magic Communication and to our Technical Partner Alpha Creative Studio.

Register here!

About the Presenter:

Join us for our next Zoom Webinar with Jennifer Webb of Magic Communication. Jennifer will discuss the power of negotiation. This webinar will be interactive and you will have the opportunity to ask questions and get the answers you need for your unique business.

Jennifer is a motivational speaker, corporate consultant, founder Magic Communication. Her extraordinary programs combine magic, psychology, NLP, Emotional Intelligence and other disciplines to reach people instantly with messages of inspiration and content. She has authored three books on human potential, has her graduate degree in psychology, sits on several boards and is very proud of her memberships in the International Positive Psychology Association and the National Speaker’s Association.


June 3, 2020 10:30 am - 11:30 am EST(GMT-05:00)


Online Webinar

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