The Future of the Innovative Product Development Center (IPDC)

The Future of the Innovative Product Development Center (IPDC)

26may10:30 am11:30 amThe Future of the Innovative Product Development Center (IPDC)

Event Details

The Future of the Innovative Product Development Center (IPDC)
Hi Elliott,

The Santa Fe College Innovative Product Development Center would like to invite you to a special discussion hosted by Bill Dorman and Laurence Andrews of the Santa Fe College Center for Innovation and Economic Development. Join us on May 26th for The Future of the Innovative Product Development Center.

To register directly through Zoom follow this link.

About the Presentation
Join us for a special discussion on upcoming changes with the IPDC and CIED, including a preview of our new location in the new Blount Center, opening in Spring 2022! The EDA grant is coming to a close and the IPDC is merging with the Santa Fe College CIED, which fosters innovation and economic development by adding value and providing enrichment to individuals and organizations within our business community. The CIED currently provides the following services:

Convenient Meeting Space
Entrepreneur Incubator
Continuing Education
Community Education
Corporate Training
Online Education
Computer Technology
Nonprofit Management

In this discussion we will cover:
What is the Santa Fe College CIED
Existing services to be continued
Additional services to be offered
Artist renderings of the new building and offices
The SF College IPDC Zoom Webinar Series offers local inventors, entrepreneurs and innovators the opportunity to connect with IPDC Partners, organizations and private sector companies who provide mentoring and learning opportunities for start-ups and their founders. These FREE events are led by subject area experts and cover topics relevant to product commercialization and growing your new business. The on-line events will be recorded and available for future viewing. 

Thank you to 
Santa Fe College CIED and our Technical 
Alpha Creative Studio.


May 26, 2021 10:30 am - 11:30 am(GMT-05:00)


Online Webinar

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