Talk Science with Her

Talk Science with Her

13feb6:00 pm8:00 pmTalk Science with HerCome meet the scientists in your community

Event Details

In celebration of U.N. International Women and Girls in Science Day, Scientists from the University of Florida will be at First Magnitude from 6-8:00 pm on Thursday, February 13th for an open discussion with the public about the work they do. Come to meet the scientists in your community and discover the variety of questions they are seeking to answer.
The event is free and all are welcome.

See more events in celebration of women in science here:

Anya Brown, Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Natural Resources and Environment, studies community ecology of coral reefs, from the microbes on coral surfaces to competition between corals and algae.

Maha Elbadry, Postdoctoral Associate at the Emerging Pathogens Institute, studies the evolution of mosquito-borne virus infections in Florida and Haiti to assess their potential to cause epidemics.

Rana Ezzeddine Assistant Professor of Astronomy, studies the oldest stars to answer standing questions of modern cosmology regarding the nature and formation of the very first stars and galaxies

Deah Lieurance, Assistant Extension Scientist, studies invasion ecology and uses pest risk analysis to evaluate the invasiveness of non-native plants with the overarching goal of reducing plant invasions in the region.

Andrea Lucky, Assistant Professor of Entomology, studies the evolution and ecology of ants to understand how invasive species affect local arthropod communities.

Erin Patrick, Research Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, studies how electronic interfaces can best communicate with the nervous system for improvement of neural prostheses and brain-machine-interfaces.

Lucia Steinke, Associate Scientist in Physics, is creating some of the coldest temperatures on the planet right here in Florida and is working with local and international researchers studying exotic states of matter at such extreme conditions.

Amanda Subalusky, Assistant Professor of Biology, studies how animals like hippos and wildebeest move resources across landscapes and influence ecosystems.

Lakiesha Williams, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, studies Traumatic Brain Injury resulting from sporting and military incidents affecting both adolescent and adult populations.


February 13, 2020 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm EST(GMT-05:00)


First Magnitude Brewing Company

1220 SE Veitch St, Gainesville, Florida 32601

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