Small Business Innovation Research Program Phase I (SBIR) Deadline

Small Business Innovation Research Program Phase I (SBIR) Deadline

04dec5:00 pm5:00 pmSmall Business Innovation Research Program Phase I (SBIR) DeadlineFull SBIR Proposal Deadline: due by 5 p.m. on December 04, 2018

Event Details

“Each year the National Science Foundation (NSF) invests millions into startup companies by way of its non-dilutive SBIR and STTR grants. Since 2012, NSF has made more than 2,500 awards to startups and small businesses. Since 2014, NSF’s awardees have had 70 exits and received $3.5 billion in venture investment. Two new contests have just been announced, each offering $225K in non-dilutive funding for early stage startups. The deadline for both is December 4th.”

After you get a SBIR grant, there is a Phase II SBIR grant available for $750,000.


December 4, 2018 5:00 pm - 5:00 pm EST(GMT-05:00)