SBIR 101 Workshop Series - Session 2: SBIR Intensive led by MITRE
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Ever wonder what’s a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant about and how can your business get in on the action? Join us for SBIR 101. We will
Event Details
Ever wonder what’s a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant about and how can your business get in on the action? Join us for SBIR 101. We will cover the basics help you discover seed funding opportunities for your business.
SBIR Week is July 19th-July 23. We will help you prepare!
Register here!
July 21, 2021 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm(GMT-05:00)
Online Webinar
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Collaboratory for Women Innovators
The Collaboratory for Women Innovators seeks to inspire, educate, and empower women to attain leadership in all phases of the innovation lifecycle. We offer a variety of programs and experiences to support different goals for participants at various stages of their personal and professional development. The genesis for the Collaboratory developed as an outgrowth of the successful Empowering Women in Technology Startups program (EWITS). Ewits began in 2012 and provides experiential hands-on entrepreneurial training and skills. The Collaboratory was originally envisioned as a next step in the entrepreneurial process to further support women starting their own companies. However, the mission has expanded to also include focus on increasing participation of female inventors, as well as providing opportunities for women who, although not currently actively pursuing a business startup, may be interested in learning more about innovation, entrepreneurship and leadership, as well as connecting with other like-minded people.