Maintaining Productivity Remotely with Mike Cottmeyer

Maintaining Productivity Remotely with Mike Cottmeyer

02apr7:00 pm8:00 pmMaintaining Productivity Remotely with Mike CottmeyerHosted on ONESIXONE Group's Facebook page

Event Details

The ONESIXONE Report is platform created to host virtual events and help local businesses “weather the storm” during these tough times caused by COVID-19.

This week we have Mike Cottmeyer out of Atlanta.

Mike Cottmeyer never thought he would start a company, and much less one as hugely successful as Leading Agile is today.

In 2010, Mike quit his consulting job to start LeadingAgile on a single $7,000 deal. In the past 9 years, the company has grown tremendously, from just Mike, to over 100 employees and here’s what’s fascinating… they don’t have an office. Everyone at Leading Agile works remote.

During this Live Interview with Mike, he will tell us about how he’s been able to grow, while preserving productivity and culture in a remote organization.

Thank you to Bamboo Strategic Media and Rootex for making this live broadcast possible. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, email us at

Hosted on ONESIXONE Group’s Facebook page: 


April 2, 2020 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm EST(GMT-05:00)