Innovation Incubators: Going Through Global Health Challenges and Moving Forward Toward a Stronger Future

Innovation Incubators: Going Through Global Health Challenges and Moving Forward Toward a Stronger Future

25aug1:00 pm2:30 pmInnovation Incubators: Going Through Global Health Challenges and Moving Forward Toward a Stronger Future

Event Details

Tuesday, August 25th, 1pm-2:30pm ED

Join us for a panel of top global incubators, sharing their journey during current global challenges and beyond.

Panelists include:
Mostafa Analoui, University of Connecticut
Stephen Pitt, Ph.D. , Johnson & Johnson, JLABS
Celina Chang, LabCentral
Andrew Cleeland, Fogarty Institute for Innovation
Mark Long, University of Florida,
Charles Ross, InBIA, International Business Innovation Association

Webex Link:


August 25, 2020 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EST(GMT-05:00)


Online Event

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