Webinar: How Biotechs Have Found Success With UF Technologies
Event Details
The University of Florida offers a broad spectrum of technologies to license and an innovation ecosystem that moves research discoveries from the laboratory to the market. UF Innovate
Event Details
The University of Florida offers a broad spectrum of technologies to license and an innovation ecosystem that moves research discoveries from the laboratory to the market. UF Innovate is the commercialization arm that includes Tech Licensing, Ventures, two business incubators (Sid Martin Biotech and The Hub), and UF Pathways – all designed to connect innovators with entrepreneurs, investors and industry; incubate startups; and foster a resilient economy.
Three CEOs who have found success building their businesses on the firm foundation of UF technologies will share their stories and give you an opportunity to ask what you most want to know about starting a company with technology from the University of Florida.
You’ll hear from TearClear’s Kevin Hershfield, Lacerta Therapeutics’ Edgar Rodriguez, and AavantiBio’s Bo Cumbo.
The webinar is sponsored by UF Innovate, Cade, and Chardan — and is free for you.
Registration is free. Register here: https://webinars.endpts.com/how-biotechs-have-found-success-with-university-of-florida-technologies/
November 9, 2021 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm(GMT-11:00)