College of Medicine Opens Clinical Research Hub

With more than $220 million in total research funding, UF College of Medicine faculty are pioneering discoveries and making lasting contributions to health care. For clinical researchers at the college, this means creating high-impact clinical trials that directly advance patient care, increase access and optimize outcomes.
To further support clinical research faculty, the UF College of Medicine Office of Research recently launched the Clinical Research Hub, which will provide enterprisewide leadership, create standards and policies and establish a shared infrastructure for clinical research in the college. The new hub aims to facilitate increased collaboration, simplify clinical research processes, develop pathways for researchers and advance overall research excellence.
“This is a significant step forward for our research community,” said Azra Bihorac, M.D., M.S., the senior associate dean for research affairs and co-director of the Intelligent Critical Care Center at the UF College of Medicine. “This realignment will promote new opportunities for improvements in all aspects of research contracting at UF.”
Learn more about College of Medicine Opens Clinical Research Hub