Ultimate Goal of This Internship? Help Startup Save Lives

Ultimate Goal of This Internship? Help Startup Save Lives

Over the past year, the University of Florida has taken my education and expertise in business in a direction I never thought possible. Since last August I have been employed by UF Innovate | Ventures, helping stand up a startup now named AdjuVolt.
When onboarded as a Ventures intern, I was told that I would develop deep expertise in oncology without ever receiving a degree, and that could not have been more accurate. I was tasked with conducting extensive research on the oncology science aspect while applying my expertise on the business side.

The result was a pitch deck and financial models that incorporated the science and the business to be used in the search for venture capital of this prominent startup. Through years of research by extremely bright minds, AdjuVolt is on the path to bringing innovative cancer treatments to the world of oncology.

I will be forever grateful to the professionals that afforded me this opportunity. I learned about the importance of helping these medical professionals bring innovative cancer treatments to the market by building financial presentations that lead to the venture funding needed, in hopes to ultimately save lives.

I will use this experience to further my professional career over the years.