Pheronym Receives Grant to Achieve Commercialization Milestones (Daily Democrat)

Pheronym Receives Grant to Achieve Commercialization Milestones

UF Innovate | The Hub and UF Innovate | Sid Martin Biotech alum Pheronym, an ag-biotech pest control company, received a $25,000 grant from Agstart to help reach commercialization milestones which the COVID-19 health crisis had forced to postpone or cancel.

Pheronym is a pioneer in the use of nematode pheromones to control both beneficial and plant-parasitic nematodes, or microscopic roundworms, that can dramatically affect plant health. The grant allows Pheronym to hire a technician to help prepare for the re-start of field trials for their first product as well as to start laboratory and greenhouse testing on a second line of new pheromone-based products.

Learn more about Pheronym Receives Grant to Achieve Commercialization Milestones.