Standing Innovation 2022

Standing InnOvation 2022

On October 26, UF Innovate | Tech Licensing hosted its annual event to recognize top innovations stemming from the University of FloridaStanding InnOvation, the best kind of “standing ovation” you can give innovators, recognized the six inventions of the year and the Innovator of the Year, Dr. Barry Byrne, a pioneer in gene therapy.

Jim O’Connell, assistant vice president of commercialization at UF and director of UF Innovate | Tech Licensing, emceed the event highlighting the Inventions of the Year chosen by the licensing teams, each invention standing out as one with great potential.

These inventions range from discoveries of new monoclonal antibodies and genes to predictive algorithms, AI-based software, and innovative frameworks. These innovations are changing their fields, markets, and the world around them.  

The Innovator of the Year was unable to attend the event in person but had the opportunity to share some words with the audience via a short, pre-recorded video. His colleague accepted the award on his behalf. The inventions were also showcased in pre-recorded videos we include on this page; if you prefer to read, you can do that here

We are incredibly thankful to Wolf Greenfield Intellectual Property Attorneys for sponsoring the event for 5th consecutive year. We’ve gotten many kudos for the event’s quality, and we credit Wolf Greenfield’s generosity that allowed us to do Standing InnOvation right once again. 

Livestream Event

Christoph Rader and Matthew Cyr

Nian Wang

Swarup Bhunia and Reiner Dizon

Barry Byrne

Kirill Martemyanov and Brock Grill

Coralie de Hemptinne and Jackson Cagle

Ravi Srinivasan and Nawari Nawari

Photo Gallery

Photos to come!