
UF Innovate | Accelerate

SATLANTIS, the Company That Manufactures Small Satellites for NASA

SATLANTIS specializes in making small cameras and satellites, weighing around 50 kilos, something that is not widely used on the market. Most companies are dedicated to making large satellites and this is where Juan Tomás Hernani, SATLANTIS' CEO, believes that one of the keys to his success is.

CDTI Enters in SATLANTIS’ Capital, in a 16.5 Million Round of Investment

With the entry of CDTI (the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology) in its capital, UF startup and UF Innovate | Accelerate at The Hub resident SATLANTIS has closed its second-round investment to which Enagás, Sepi, Orza and Axis-Ico are also incorporated, for a cumulative total of 16.5 million euros.

Why Hundreds of Retail Thefts Are Going Unreported in Bay Area

Dr. Read Hayes, a research scientist and criminologist at the University of Florida, conducted a study on retail crime. He said in many cases, especially in urban centers, stores don’t contact authorities because there are simply too many thefts for police to respond to every time.

Shoplifters Cost Stores Billions. UF Professor Speaks on How AI Can Help Curb Store Theft and Fraud

Read Hayes, Ph.D. is a world-renowned expert on the science of stealing from department and grocery stores. Based in FLEX in the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering, he works with engineering and computer science faculty to help design programs that can identify shoplifters. He is also the director of UF Innovate | Accelerate at The Hub resident company Loss Prevention Research Council, which works with more than 70 major retail chains by providing them with innovative loss- and crime-control solutions.

UF Innovate Reveals New Display in Lobby of The Hub

More than 150 innovators and entrepreneurs attended an in-person event, while 40 joined via livestream to unveil a new, lighted floor-to-ceiling mural in the lobby of UF Innovate | Accelerate at The Hub.