Vanilla DNA Mystery Uncovered by UF/IFAS Research
University of Florida scientists have developed a tool to unlock the genetic traits that pinpoint the vanilla variety that produces an abundance of beans, grows efficiently and sustainably, with consumer-approved taste.
Blueberry App Developed to Help Growers Battle Diseases and Pests
A new University of Florida app will help the state’s blueberry growers identify and manage disease and insect injuries commonly encountered in Florida before their crop is ruined. Collectively, blueberries are a $60 million-per-year crop in Florida.
UAVs and AI Are the Newest Tools Growers Can Use for Crop Management
They say knowledge is power. That philosophy is what drives Dr. Yiannis Ampatzidis, an assistant professor at the Southwest Florida Research and Education Center in Immokalee, where he leads the precision agriculture engineering program.
New Alert System Gives Heads Up on Citrus Postbloom Fruit Drop
Citrus growers won’t soon forget the plague that was postbloom fruit drop (PFD) in 2016. Luckily, it has not been as severe in Florida since then, but there have been pockets of the problem in groves.
Uncovering How HLB Acts Inside a Citrus Tree
Amit Levy with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) describes research he’s conducting into the way the causal agent of HLB interacts with a citrus tree. The causal agent is the bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus(CLas).
New UF/IFAS App to Identify Toxic Plants
Some livestock, pets and even children occasionally nibble on poisonous plants, presenting a potential pitfall to the animals and youth. Now, a new, free app designed by UF/IFAS researchers and Extension faculty helps you identify toxic plants.
White Strawberry One of Two New UF/IFAS Varieties Ready for Harvest Season
Just in time for the west-central Florida strawberry harvesting season, which runs from now until the end of March, UF/IFAS is releasing not one, but two new varieties – and the white strawberry is one of them. The other: another cultivar that UF/IFAS’ primary breeder says tastes oh-so-good.
University of Florida Citrus Faculty Highly Sought After as Research Partners in Fight Against Greening
University of Florida citrus researchers continue to be sought out as partners in ground-breaking research projects to fight Huanglongbing, also known as citrus greening disease.
Zare’s $1.2 Million Award Brings Machine Learning to Plant Root Science
A team of researchers from ECE Florida and IFAS has received a $1.2M grant from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) that combines machine learning, hyperspectral cameras, and minirhizotron tubes to study root systems of plants over time.
Seven UF Researchers Named 2020 AAAS Fellows
Seven University of Florida researchers have been named Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the world’s largest general scientific society.