Artificial Intelligence Can Help Predict the Next Pandemic
UF researchers have published an algorithm capable of predicting which COVID-19 variant in circulation today is most likely to become dominant in the next three months.
How To Avoid Winter Viruses: UF EPI Expert Talks RSV, Flu and COVID-19
UF researcher Frederick Southwick discusses the increased prevalence of respiratory viruses—influenza, COVID-19, and RSV—during the winter in Florida and provides tips on how to avoid them.
Why Listeria, a Less-Common Foodborne Pathogen, Is So Deadly
UF researcher Frederick Southwick highlights how Listeria, a resilient foodborne pathogen capable of surviving refrigeration and evading immune defenses, poses severe risks to immunocompromised individuals and pregnant people.
Artificial Intelligence Transforms How UF Researchers Forecast and Respond to Disease
Because UF is home to the HiPerGator and has driven its AI initiative to expand faculty expertise, AI is transforming how they do research in fighting diseases such as anthrax, HIV, COVID-19, and more.
Combination of Two Common Compounds Improves COVID Survival in Mice, UF Researchers Find
Researchers at the University of Florida have discovered the combination of Lactoferrin, a protein found in cow and human milk, and diphenhydramine, an antihistamine used for allergy symptoms, increased resilience of mice towards the virus that causes COVID-19.
Combination of Two Common Compounds Improves COVID Survival in Mice, UF Researchers Find
UF researchers have discovered a combination of two over-the-counter compounds that may significantly improve the recovery of patients infected with COVID-19. Studies in mice have been successful, with the health of test subjects improving significantly or ending in full recovery.
UF Researchers Refining Wastewater Health Signals
University of Florida investigators in the College of Public Health and Health Professions (PHHP), the College of Veterinary Medicine, and the Emerging Pathogens Institute—have spent the past two years building testing capacity and refining wastewater analysis techniques to better detect viruses, bacteria and even chemical markers of health—such as pesticides and illegal drugs.
UF-Led Center Continues Fight Against Diseases Spread by Mosquitoes, Ticks
Established in 2016, the Southeast Regional Center of Excellence in Vector-Borne Disease: The Gateway Program (SECVBD) will continue its work for another five years, thanks to renewed funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “The center is a team effort to help communities prevent, prepare and respond to vector-borne disease threats through applied research and education efforts. We look forward to continuing to inform these public health actions,” said Rhoel Dinglasan, the center’s director and a professor in the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine affiliated with the UF Emerging Pathogens Institute.
Coronavirus ‘Spillovers’ More Frequent Than Thought
University of Florida researchers have detected past instances of people becoming infected with a type of coronavirus that was until now thought only to be found in pigs.
Probing Plant Infections
Sometimes the pathogens that infect plants also affect people—through our pocketbooks. Which is why plant pathologist Erica Goss, a University of Florida professor with the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, spends a lot of time studying microbes that infect tomatoes, peppers and strawberries.