
UF Department of Pediatrics

Tech Tuesday – Barry Byrne

In this week’s Tech Tuesday for WCJB TV20, UF Innovate’s Loren Miranda speaks with Dr. Barry Byrne, Associate Chair of Pediatrics and Director of the UF Powell Gene Therapy Center.

UF Researcher Will Lead CureSearch for Children’s Cancer $1 Million Gift To Support Cutting-Edge Immunotherapy Trial for Pediatric High-Grade Glioma

CureSearch for Children’s Cancer has received a $1 million gift from the Norcross Family Foundation in support of a first-in-human, phase I/II clinical trial testing innovative personalized immunotherapy for pediatric high-grade gliomas, the primary cause of death in children with brain tumors. The project is funded through a CureSearch Catapult Award granted to pediatric oncologist Elias Sayour, MD, Ph.D. at the University of Florida.