Tech Tuesday: University of Florida Professor Recognized With Innovator of the Year Award
In this week’s Tech Tuesday, UF Innovate's host Bethany Gaffey introduces Dr. Elias Sayour as the 2024 Innovator of the Year. Dr. Sayour was recognized for his groundbreaking work in developing unique cancer therapies, which have the potential to revolutionize cancer treatment and prevention.
Mobile Stroke Treatment Unit Comes to UF Health Surgeon’s Rescue
UF Health's Mobile Stroke Treatment Unit came to the rescue for Paul C Dell, MD, when he suffered a stroke at his home. Dr. Dell, an orthopaedic hand surgeon working at UF Health for 46 years, was sitting in a chair, unable to speak coherently or say his own name.
The MSTU was at the scene in under 10 minutes, as their unit is wired into 911 dispatch. The team conducted a CT scan of Dr. Dell's brain in the driveway and assessed him for treatment while en route to the UF Health Neuromedicine Hospital.
UF Health Neurosurgeon Awarded $38 Million Grant To Lead National Stroke Prevention Trial
The National Institutes of Health awarded a $38 million, five-year grant to Brian Hoh, M.D., M.B.A., the University of Florida’s chair of neurosurgery, to test two new prospective treatments for symptomatic intracranial arterial stenosis, a leading cause of ischemic stroke worldwide.
UF Health First in U.S. To Implant New, Advanced Deep Brain Stimulation System
A team of University of Florida Health neurosurgeons and neurologists recently became the first in the U.S. to implant a newly FDA-approved, technologically advanced deep brain stimulation system designed to more precisely target motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and two other movement disorders.
What if You Could Take Cancer Cells and Make Them Into the Therapy?
This discovery gives cancer a one-two punch Cancer is the second leading cause of death in America and is the singular focus... Read More
UF Neurosurgery Chair Elected President of Congress of Neurological Surgeons
University of Florida neurosurgery chair Brian Hoh, M.D., MBA, has been elected the 2020-21 president of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, one of... Read More
UF Researchers Ask, ‘What if Oncologists Thought Like Ecologists?’
What do wildlife and cancer cells have in common? Quite a lot, argues a new article authored by University of Florida researchers.... Read More
UF Named New Member of Prestigious Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium
When Sridharan Gururangan, FRCP, joined the University of Florida College of Medicine’s department of neurosurgery in 2016, he had a big goal... Read More