Tech Tuesday: Desigators
In this week’s Tech Tuesday for WCJB TV20, UF Innovate’s Bethany Gaffey interviews recent graduate Alexander Weaver from the University of Florida... Read More
UF Study: Florida-Grown Sparkling Wines Please Palates
A recent study from the University of Florida shows that taste testers prefer carbonated blueberry and muscadine wines over their non-carbonated versions.
UF/IFAS Researchers Help Wineries Capitalize on Carbonation Craving
University of Florida researchers are helping wineries make their product bubbly to meet taste trends and expand their business.
Sensory Lab Helps UF/IFAS Breeders Know Which Fruits, Veggies Taste, Smell Best
Not long ago, about 200 consumer panelists went to the University of Florida Sensory Testing Lab to taste a new blueberry developed... Read More