Tech Tuesday – Cherie Stabler
In this week's Tech Tuesday for WCJB TV20, UF Innovate's Melanie Morón interviews Cherie Stabler, researcher and professor in the UF Department of Biomedical Engineering, who is conducting research on a possible cure for type 1 diabetes.
President’s Office Announces $10.9 Million for Third Round of Strategic Funding Awardees
UF President Ben Sasse announced a third round of strategic funding, which will see $10.9 million spread across 10 new projects aimed at solidifying UF's standing as a national research leader.
Medical AI Tool From UF, Nvidia Gets Human Thumbs-Up in First Study
Researchers from the University of Florida and Nvidia have created an AI computer program that can generate accurate doctors' notes, opening the door for AI to support health care workers with groundbreaking efficiencies.
Tech Tuesday – Tyler Loftus
On this Tech Tuesday segment, Melanie Morón interviews Tyler Loftus, a trauma surgeon in the UF Department of Surgery whose research focuses on improving patient care in ICU setting using AI.
Budding Brainiacs: New Fellowship Program at the McKnight Brain Institute Offers Mentorship From Leading Neuroscientists
The UF McKnight Brain Institute's competitive new fellowship program, Gator NeuroScholars, aims to boost the University's research capabilities to solve the worlds's most complex diseases. The program provides post-docs from a wide variety of backgrounds with mentorship from some of the world's leading neuroscientists, driving discovery and innovation across the University.
Tech Tuesday: Maribel Ciampitti
On this Tech Tuesday segment, Melanie Morón interviews Maribel Ciampitti from the UF College of Medicine Jacksonville to discuss her recent invention aimed at assisting patients with respiratory muscle strength training.
President’s Office Announces $5.4 Million for Strategic Funding Awardees
The President's Office at the University of Florida announced $5.4 million in awards for Strategic Funding. Various colleges and departments across campus received awards to fund their research projects and initiatives. The funding initiative is designed to advance the student experience and interdisciplinary scholarship.
Medicine’s New Frontier: Clinicians and Researchers Aim To Combine Expertise With Artificial Intelligence To Improve Patients’ Lives
As UF continues to make strides in the field of AI, researchers are putting a focus on improving patient care. At the College of Medicine, these new technologies will improve patient's lives while building the foundation for new training methods to teach the next generation of physicians.
UF Opens Malachowsky Hall for Data Science & Information Technology
The University of Florida Friday held a celebratory ribbon cutting for the Malachowsky Hall for Data Science & Information Technology. The new building is named after UF alumnus and NVIDIA co-founder Chris Malachowsky, and funded by a combination of state funds as well as private and college funds.
Enhancing Kidney Care With Machine Learning Models for Dynamic and Accurate Results
Bihorac stressed the need for healthcare professionals to embrace the power of AI and deep learning models in personalized medicine. She stated that as the world moves towards using foundational AI models, healthcare professionals must actively participate in this transformation.