Listen Carefully: UF Study Could Lead to Better Deepfake Detection
University of Florida researchers concluded the largest study on audio deepfakes to date, challenging 1,200 humans to identify real audio messages from digital fakes.
United Nations Ratifies UF-Created Framework To Protect People on Cash Apps
UF researcher Kevin Butler developed the framework, which spells out guidance for countries to prevent fraud and abuse on mobile cash apps.
Sounding the Alarm: UF Cybersecurity Expert Exposes Audio Deepfake
Audio deepfakes are becoming ubiquitous – blurring the line between fact and fiction – but UF researchers are working to develop methods to help the public navigate this new technological terrain.
Skim Reaper: Ormond Beach Police Using UF Device to Combat Identity Theft
Patrick Traynor, a professor in Computer and Information Science and Engineering at the University of Florida created the Skim Reaper along with two graduate students. Traynor said the device has been successful after they let NYPD test their tool.
University Of Florida Researchers Develop Device To Detect Skimmers (
Aiming to detect skimmers that are placed on credit card readers, University of Florida researchers Nolen Scaife, Christian Peeters and Patrick Traynor showcased... Read More