Educational Programs

Need to know more about technology licensing, raising venture funds, or writing a grant? We’ve got you covered. Check out the various offerings below. 

Intellectual Property and Technology Licensing -- Live Training & On-Demand AUTM Webinars

Do you have a new idea you would like to commercialize or are you curious to learn about intellectual property and technology licensing? Live as well as on-demand training on a range of topics is available throughout the year.

Live Training

Visit the UF innovate website for scheduled training events or contact UF Innovate Pathways at to schedule a live presentation for your college, department, lab or class.

On Demand Training

Visit the University of Florida Education Portal to access on-demand technology transfer, webinar recordings to learn how innovative technologies are commercialized through technology evaluation, patent and copyright protection, marketing, licensing and more.

UF Innovate has collaborated with AUTM the leading organization supporting academic technology transfer to bring you over 200 hours of AUTM technology transfer meeting, webinar recordings.  You can log into the AUTM University of Florida Education portal created by AUTM for the UF Campus Community anytime, search for topics and watch the webinars at your convenience on a UF network.  

Some of the topics in the vast webinar library include:

Patenting 101

Learn how to obtain a patent as well as strategies for managing a portfolio of pending and granted patents. Use the patent system to commercialize innovation and monetarize your patent portfolio.

PCT Application Process Explained

Hear the PCT patent application process explained. Learn the steps involved in the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) procedure including filing, international search, international publication, international preliminary examination, national phase, and granting of the patent.

Inventorship: Let’s Help Each Other

Trying to understand inventorship? A panel of attorneys and tech transfer experts will help those new to the profession find answers, and provide an opportunity for more seasoned professionals to share their favorite (or most hair-raising) stories.

IP Basics for Software Innovations

This free webinar will provide an introduction to the fundamentals of intellectual property that can be applied to software innovations. The course includes an overview of patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. Some basic computing and software terms will also be discussed.

Choosing the Right Open Source License for Your Software

How does a licensing professional navigate the multitude of available open-source licenses to select the appropriate license? Learn how to choose the right open source license for your software and have your questions answered by this webinar.

Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is employed in everything from computer-generated imagery (CGI) to medical diagnoses to 3D printing. However, laws have not kept up with AI innovations. The patent laws of most countries (including the U.S.) define an “inventor” as a person, i.e., a human being. This presentation will define AI and examine questions that will help suggest best practices for using AI and protecting AI-related intellectual property.

The What, How, Dos, and Don’ts of Licensing Data

This session will provide an overview of the sources of data generated by a university that can be translated into a valuable asset for licensing, either alone or in conjunction with a patent or copyright license, including ways to assess the value of the data and how that value can be captured in a license agreement. The webinar will cover a wide range of issues to consider when licensing data such as protected health information/personally identifiable information (PHI/PII), ownership, selling data, conflict of interest, confidentiality, and exclusivity.

AI and Precision Medicine: IP and Licensing Opportunities

Increasingly, artificial intelligence (AI) is being applied in the medical field. From disease-specific diagnostics to patient-precise surgery and therapeutics, the AI architecture employs analytical software and patient-based training data. In this session, we’ll discuss how universities, especially those affiliated with a medical school or research hospital, may be uniquely suited to license training data separately from analytical software.

Strategies and Programs for De-Risking Medical Device Commercialization

Bringing a new medical device to market can be an expensive and time-consuming process fraught with risk. This webinar will provide you with a better understanding of the process and challenges of commercializing medical device technologies. We will address, among other topics, the general regulatory processes, market risks, and technology risks.

Products of Nature

Post-Ariosa, the district courts, and the Federal Circuit have increasingly used this decision to justify the application of the Mayo/Alice rule to deny the patentability of claims directed to diagnostic methods and products of nature. The court has reiterated that the “inventive concept” required by the Mayo/Alice Rule cannot be provided by recognition of the importance of a natural correlation, even while recognizing that the rule renders many important advances in diagnostic medicine patent-ineligible. While the Patent Office continues to allow a method of treatment claims, it may not be long before the Federal Circuit takes another look at Myriad and bans these claims as well.

Drug Repurposing from a University Perspective

Repurposed drugs are generally approved faster, are awarded market approval at a rate three times higher than new drug applications, and at half the cost associated with new drug applications. Academic researchers have successfully begun integrating repurposing into their grant applications from both federal and private donors. In this webinar, we will discuss these themes as well as what, from a university perspective, can lead to a successful program in licensing repurposed drug assets.

Insights into Plant Variety Protection and Variety

Join this webinar and learn the fundamentals of U.S. intellectual property protection for plants by comparing and contrasting plant variety protection (PVP), versus utility patents and the main criteria for obtaining PVP.

University Plant Commercial: IP, Deals and the USDA

This practical webinar covers: The basics of plant patents, plant-related utility patents, plant variety protection, and foreign plant breeder’s rights, including deposits and export of plants for DUS testing. Trademark issues will also be discussed.

Anatomy of a License

Whether you are involved in license maintenance, finance, or patent administration, you need to understand license agreements to effectively do your job. This session will include an introduction to license agreements by describing the various sections of a typical license agreement and providing an explanation of the importance of the various terms.

Understanding Equity Agreements

During the session, we will review the terms of Stock Purchase Agreements, Investor Rights Agreements, and other agreements common to these types of transactions. We will also address specific topics such as participating preferred equity, dividends, tag along and drag along rights, etc.

Jointly Owned IP

This webinar will address those circumstances under which joint ownership of intellectual property typically arises between universities, the effect of this joint ownership, and the structure and terms of joint ownership agreements.

Intro to IIAs, MTAs and CDs from the University Perspective

This webinar will address the fundamentals of inter-institutional agreements (IIs), material transfer agreements (MTAs) and confidentiality agreements (CDAs) from the university perspective.

Using US Seed Fund to Expand University Innovation Ecosystem

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) share how America’s Seed Fund – the Small Business Innovation Research/ Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) programs – enables the transition of university-based research.

How Can I Make the Most of Funding and Resources from the NCI

Come hear the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Program Director Monique Pond discuss the resources available at NCI for academic entrepreneurs. Whether a technology is in the pre-clinical or clinical stage of development, NCI can help translate innovative research ideas to the marketplace. Come learn how NCI helps small businesses cross the “Valley of Death” and reach commercialization.

SBIR/STTR What University Staff Should Know

Under the SBIR program, universities and nonprofit research institutions usually play key roles as collaborators for small businesses, while under the STTR program, the small businesses must formally collaborate with a university or nonprofit research institution to qualify for the funding opportunity. Learn how to take advantage of America’s Seed Fund with this webinar.

The ABC’s of the NSF I Corps Program

The National Science Foundation (NSF) I-Corps program prepares scientists and engineers to extend their focus beyond the university laboratory and accelerates the economic and societal benefits of NSF-funded, basic-research projects that are ready to move toward commercialization. In this webinar, we’ll explore how universities can join the National Innovation Network and how academic researchers can take advantage of the $50,000 I-Corps Teams grant and training program.

Building a Career in Technology Transfer

This free webinar will discuss the various roles within a technology transfer office, the skills required and strategies to transition into, and develop, a career in technology transfer. Seasoned tech transfer panelists will share their experiences in the field, the challenges they faced, and suggestions for building a successful career.

I Corps Commercialization Training Opportunities

Learn how to de-risk your innovation and create a product that customers will buy. I Corps activities prepare scientists and engineers to extend their reach beyond the laboratory, determine the commercial potential of their innovation and determine how it can impact society.

Identify the needs of your customer, and develop a commercialization strategy by enrolling in I Corps training. I Corps programs will help you answer questions, such as:

  • Does your innovation solve a need in the market?
  • Who are your customers?
  • What is the value proposition and benefit to the customer?
  • Who will pay for it and what is the revenue model for your product?

As seen in the figure below, I Corps enables you to determine the Product-Market fit and define a path forward for commercialization. If you are interested in enrolling in this innovation and commercialization-training program, please email us so we can direct you to the appropriate opportunities:

(Source: NSF Innovation Corps I-Corps Biannual Report 2021)

Upcoming I-Corps events:

All programs are open to participants from UF.

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SBIR/STTR Education

Introduction to SBIR/STTR
SBIR One-on-One Grant-Writing Assistance
Applicant Eligibility

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs are some of the largest sources of early-stage capital for innovative small companies in the United States. Every year federal SBIR/STTR programs from 11 agencies provide $4 billion in non-dilutive grant and contract funding to qualified U.S.-owned and operated small businesses with less than 500 employees to accelerate research to the commercialization stage. SBIR/STTR grants are designed to develop research into products and services with global impact.

SBIR/STTR grants enable the transfer of technology from universities and support the development of a product for commercialization. Funds are always awarded directly to the small business but a percentage of the funds can be subcontracted to the university for collaborative work. Award amounts vary by agency, but Phase I awards can provide about $250,000 for feasibility and proof of concept work and Phase II awards can provide over $1.5 million for translation and prototype development. These funds are not a loan, don’t have to be repaid nor require sharing of equity in the small business. In addition, awardees also have access to additional commercialization resources from the agencies.

Winning an SBIR/STTR award requires an understanding of the different types of SBIR and STTR funding available, the specific federal agency’s goals, timelines and requirements, the important components of the proposal, how to avoid pitfalls and if a SBIR/STTR is right for you.

Visit the UF Innovate website often to find upcoming training opportunities to learn about SBIR/STTRs and how to develop competitive proposals, enroll in programs to help develop a commercialization plan, and to learn about options for one-on-one SBIR/STTR proposal development assistance for UF entrepreneurs.  You can also contact UF Innovate I Pathways at

A brief summary of the critical differences between SBIR and STTR grants and the basic eligibility requirements for SBIR/STTR funding are listed in the below table.

Principal Investigator (PI) PI must be primarily employed (>50%) with the small business at the time of award and for the term of the award PI may be employed either at the university or the small business but must put in at least 10% effort on the project
Grant Submission/funds awarded Grants are submitted by the small business and funds are awarded to the small business Grants are submitted by the small business and funds are awarded to the small business
Work Requirement/Subcontracting

Small business MAY outsource to a third party a maximum of:

33% of funds (Phase I)

50% of funds (Phase II)

Small business MUST subcontract a minimum of

30% (maximum of 60%) of funds to research institution/university under a subcontract agreement executed by the Office of Sponsored Programs.

Small business minimum work requirement is 40%

Partnering Requirement Permits partnering but not required Requires a non-profit research institution/university partner
Facilities Small business must have company controlled facilities suitable to do work proposed at time of award Small business must have company controlled facilities suitable to do work proposed at time of award

SBIR/STTR Training and Proposal Development Assistance

Throughout the year, SBIR/STTR training is offered by the funding agencies as well as by UF Innovate through its partnership with BBC Entrepreneurial Training and Consulting (BBCetc).  Check the UF Innovate calendar for upcoming virtual training sessions. Additional on demand training can be accessed by visiting the BBCetc website:

SBIR/STTR One-on-One Proposal Development Assistance

Several options for grant writing guidance are available.

  • Three times a year the NIH Applicant Assistance Program (AAP) provides a free 10-week grant writing workshop for selected first time Phase I SBIR/STTR biotech applicants, to prepare and submit a competitive Phase I proposal. For more information on the NIH AAP program and applicant deadlines check the UF Innovate calendar, and visit the agency website and the AAP Applicant Portal at:
  • On a rolling basis, UF Innovate in collaboration with BBCetc is supporting qualified UF entrepreneurs with up to 10 hours of proposal development and submission guidance to submit grants to various agencies. Based on the project suitability and readiness assessment, selected applicants will be eligible for consideration for subsidized one-on-one guidance from the experts at BBCetc that will include the following:
    • Identification of appropriate agency solicitations based on project
    • Grant strategy development including guidance on writing each section of the proposal including the commercialization plan
    • Worksheets and templates to develop the grant
    • Proposal review and editing
    • Assistance with registrations, electronic submissions, forms and budgets
    • Assistance with post-submission administrative requirements
    • Review and recommendation based on agency feedback

Applicant Eligibility:

In order to be eligible for consideration for this competitive one-on-one proposal development support, applicants should meet the below requirements and contact UF Innovate Pathways if you have questions

  • Have proposal project that is protected by UF intellectual property
  • Discussed start-up opportunity with UF Innovate team (Licensing Officer, Ventures Director and Pathways Program Director)
  • Submit an assessment form and meet with BBCetc consultant
  • Negotiated license or option agreement with UF for the technology and maintained existing agreements in good standing
  • Attended a SBIR/STTR agency specific training session or other alternate assigned online training
  • Attended an I Corps short course training program to help develop a commercialization strategy
  • Follow UF intellectual property and conflict of interest policy
  • Agree to work diligently to develop and submit proposal in timely manner
  • Agree to share proposal feedback from granting agency

Additional SBIR/STTR grant writing support is available for women and underrepresented minorities for UF and non-UF startups through the UF Innovate, Collaboratory for Inclusive Entrepreneurship. Eligibility for UF start-ups are the same as what is mentioned above and all UF start-up applicants should follow the guidelines above and contact UF Innovate Pathways at

Non-UF startups should directly contact the Director of the Collaboratory of Inclusive Entrepreneurship, Eugene Wanda at:

For additional information about SBIR/STTR funding visit:

Upcoming SBIR/STTR Workshops:

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Life Science and Tech Venture Education

Learn from venture capitalists the skills needed to build and grow your startup. Visit the OUP Researcher Portal and learn more about venture capital, founder’s equity, start-up licensing, product-market fit, pitching, and more at

UF is a member of OUP a leading venture capital firm that invests in academic start-ups. OUP’s life science and tech team members hold office hours with start-up founders, graduate students/postdocs, and faculty who are interested in commercializing their work.

Contact your licensing officer to discuss your startup idea before you schedule a time with the OUP team member to get VC feedback on your startup idea.

You can access the entire library of on-demand venture education recordings on the OUP YouTube channel.

Select topics are listed below:

Life Sciences Webinar Playlist

Physical Sciences Webinar Playlist

Trade Associations Plus Additional Links and Articles