Space Edge Accelerator For Biomedical Innovators

Space Edge Accelerator For Biomedical Innovators

08sep11:59 pmSpace Edge Accelerator For Biomedical InnovatorsOpportunities in the space-based biomedical R&D ecosystem

Event Details

The Space Edge Accelerator, a collaboration between the University of Florida, University of Central Florida, Blue Origin, Space Florida, Arizona State University and Vanderbilt University, will offer training to help innovators develop their space strategy, prepare to activate plans and compete for funding and flight opportunities. The 2024 Space Access for Biomedical Innovators program is a 12-week hybrid accelerator designed for researchers, entrepreneurs, and businesses interested in leveraging the unique space environment for biomedical R&D and manufacturing.

Participants will develop space strategies, gain skills for entering the space ecosystem, and network with experts to implement their plans. Participants must be based near one of the participating universities and meet the requirements of their Space-Edge hub.

To apply visit: Applications are due September 8, 2024

For more information visit Or contact Jamie Foster.


September 8, 2024 11:59 pm(GMT-04:00)