NEI Eye Care and Ocular Imaging Challenge

NEI Eye Care and Ocular Imaging Challenge

12nov11:59 pmNEI Eye Care and Ocular Imaging ChallengeSubmit solutions to advance ocular care and imaging

Event Details

The OHDSI Vision Research Challenge is accepting innovative ideas to expand the OHDSI network, enabling better healthcare outcomes in clinical ophthalmology and optometry. By leveraging large-scale healthcare databases, this challenge encourages researchers and healthcare professionals to submit solutions that drive advancements in patient care. 

This competition is open to the general public, aiming to stimulate innovation and uphold the principles of open science. Participants will be rewarded for fostering collaboration and using the OMOP Common Data Model (CDM) to generate valuable insights. 

Participants must register their intent to participate by November 12th. The final submission deadline for the challenge is January 31st. To learn more about the challenge, visit the information page on the NEI challenge webpage.


November 12, 2024 11:59 pm(GMT-05:00)