IPDC Webinar: Tech Space -The Perfect Fit at San Felasco Tech City

IPDC Webinar: Tech Space -The Perfect Fit at San Felasco Tech City

07oct10:30 am11:30 amIPDC Webinar: Tech Space -The Perfect Fit at San Felasco Tech City

Event Details

About the Presenter:
Mitch Glaeser, CEO of Emory Group Companies

Mitch Glaeser is the CEO of The Emory Group of Companies, a family owned basket of companies including, information technology, publishing, hospitality, apparel, and real estate among others. He has started more than 10 companies and is passionate about Gainesville. Glaeser is also a motivational speaker, traveling the world for three years teaching others how to build strong business relationships.

About the Presentation:
The Emory Group Companies take great pride in running well-established and successful companies, some of them that are more than 50 years old, and are as equally excited about companies that are up and coming. Our proven track record allows us to leverage off of our many talented and experienced employees that maintain the constant success of each entity. Headquartered in Alachua, FL, business locations range from California to Nebraska, and Florida. The Emory Group is dedicated to providing superior results in all business categories. We strive to act as a platform for business growth and development.

In this session you will learn:
• Invention vs Entrepreneur
• Building C-suite employees
• Finding the right fit of space with future growth in mind

After starting and operating twelve companies, Mitch Glaeser, is now seen as a leader in building strategies for premier companies. His success in starting and operating companies that covers a broad range of industries shows his passion and vision for growing startups into bonified companies. Developing San Felasco Tech City caps off years of knowledge not gained by many.

The SF College IPDC Zoom Webinar Series offers local inventors, entrepreneurs and innovators the opportunity to connect with IPDC Partners, organizations and private sector companies who provide mentoring and learning opportunities for start-ups and their founders. These FREE events are led by subject area experts and cover topics relevant to product commercialization and growing your new business. The on-line events will be recorded and available for future viewing.

Thank you to Mitch Glaeser and our technical sponsor Alpha Creative Studio.


October 7, 2020 10:30 am - 11:30 am EST(GMT-04:00)


Online Webinar

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