GNV Chamber Webinar – Understanding Racial Equity: A Groundwater Approach

GNV Chamber Webinar - Understanding Racial Equity: A Groundwater Approach

16jun1:00 pm4:00 pmGNV Chamber Webinar - Understanding Racial Equity: A Groundwater Approach

Event Details

The Greater Gainesville Chamber, Gainesville Black Professionals, the Community Foundation of North Central Florida, the University of Florida and Santa Fe College have partnered with the Racial Equity Institute to help our community better understand how systemic racism affects our community by building a practical understanding of what it is. During the workshop, REI facilitators will use stories and data to illustrate that racism is fundamentally structural in nature. By examining the characteristics of modern-day racial inequity, the presentation introduces participants to an analysis that most find immediately helpful and relevant. There is no cost, but you must register to attend.

Register here!


June 16, 2020 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm EST(GMT-05:00)


Online Webinar

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