Gaining Traction with Wendy Kennedy
17nov11:00 am12:00 pmGaining Traction with Wendy KennedyMoving your idea to market
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Register here! Join veteran startup executive and entrepreneur as she shares her lessons learned moving new science and technology
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Join veteran startup executive and entrepreneur as she shares her lessons learned moving new science and technology ideas to market.
About this event
For every startup entrepreneur, the key measure of success is in the execution – can you successfully move from being a concept on a napkin to a product in the market. What does it take to make this happen and how do you start? Join veteran startup executive and entrepreneur, Wendy Kennedy, as she shares her lessons learned moving new science and technology ideas to market. Prior to founding WKI, Wendy held executive positions in six early stage, founder led startups, all that were at the napkin stage looking to enter the market. She will wrap this experience into five approaches every startup founder can implement to build traction.
Wendy Kennedy, MBA
President and Founder of WKI
Wendy Kennedy is recognized internationally as the author and architect of the popular So what? who cares? why you?® commercialization methodology. Since 2005, Wendy’s methodology offering a proven approach to turn ideas into business opportunities, has been adopted by incubation centers, research labs, innovation centers, universities and private corporations in more than 25+ countries.
As President of WKI ( Inc.), Wendy and her team advise, train and coach organizations to advance their innovation, commercialization and entrepreneurship agendas. Today, the WKI methodology and design frameworks have provided a platform to inspire, ideate and innovate in organizations including: The European Space Agency, Dundalk Institute (Ireland), Penn State University, Scottish Enterprise, the University of Texas, UF Innovate and Sid Martin Biotech, Air Force Research Laboratories, and many more. Today, the WKI methodology is credited with helping to put ideas on the payload of a spacecraft, restore 20:20 vision, bring groundbreaking therapeutics and diagnostics to reality, and even launch new and delicious food products nationally.
Prior to founding WKI, Wendy was a member of the founding teams in six technology startups, all of which were inspired by founders with an idea on a napkin. She has special expertise in launching new technology innovations to market, gained from her experience launching one of the first personal computers in the early 1980’s. She has also launched early stage ideas including one of the first electronic banking services, an early innovation for wireless internet in motion, and several enterprise software solutions. She also spent time as a teaching professor at Algonquin College, where she created and launched an innovative program for engineers, scientists, and technology entrepreneurs to discover the business value of their ideas.
Wendy holds a Masters Degree in Business from Queen’s University and is a recipient of the Dr. Laurent Isabelle Award for innovation and excellence in education. Wendy is a founding member of the Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance, Women in Technology Forum, focused on mentorship development programs for women entrepreneurs in Canada.
She lives in Ottawa, Canada with her family. Learn more about Wendy Kennedy and WKI at
November 17, 2021 11:00 am - 12:00 pm(GMT-04:00)