Private Investigators and Emerging Tech Are Helping To Crack Down on Beauty’s Retail Crime
California Highway Patrol’s Organized Retail Crime Taskforce has recovered more than $41 million worth of stolen goods since the program launched in 2019.
UF Team Plays Major Role in Success of Newly Approved Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Drug
Duchenne muscular dystrophy families, advocates and healthcare providers celebrated a milestone in March with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the first nonsteroidal drug for the treatment of Duchenne. The University of Florida's expertise in magnetic resonance imaging provided objective, measurable results in the drug's clinical trials.
The University of Florida’s Plans in Jacksonville: Where They Stand
Jacksonville is poised to become the home of two new University of Florida institutions that would play into UF President Ben Sasse’s vision of the university partnering with businesses to apply research to current and future challenges, putting students closer to prospective employers and spurring the regional and state economies.
Over the Years: How Much Has the University of Florida Spent on Research?
The University of Florida was mentioned in an announcement by the Board of Governors on Wednesday about increased research expenditures in the state's university system.
UF Team Works to Create Most Resilient Sensor on Earth
A diverse team led by three ECE Florida faculty members is set to receive funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to design and fabricate dynamic pressure sensors capable of performing at temperatures upwards of 800 °C (1472 °F), over a factor of 6X higher than any integrated pressure sensor currently in use. The $6.6M project, funded as part of the DARPA High Operational Temperature Sensors (HOTS) program, seeks to enable the creation of electronics and sensors integral to industrial, military, and space applications. The core team comprises Dr. Mark Sheplak (lead PI), Dr. Roozbeh Tabrizian, and Dr. Philip Feng.
Making Advances in Space Engineering
Humanity’s ambitions for space engineering are growing -- manned missions to Mars, permanent lunar bases, and ever-larger telescopes to peer into the cosmos.
To fulfill those ambitions, the University of Florida has launched the Space Mission Institute, an interdisciplinary hub for space research.
UF Integrate Summit Focused on Retail Theft, Active Shooters
Retail industry leaders from 47 corporations across the nation recently convened at the University of Florida to delve into strategies to combat the growing challenges from theft, fraud, and violence in retail spaces.
Targeting RNA
Disney and his team at The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology in Jupiter, Florida, have discovered more than 200 unique RNA-targeting compounds. His methods and discoveries have changed minds, igniting a global race to treat incurable diseases via their RNA.
Florida Semiconductor Institute Could Land in Jacksonville
Jacksonville is the front-runner to become the future home of the University of Florida's Florida Semiconductor Institute Gov. Ron DeSantis calls the next step in building the state's growing semiconductor industry.
Satlantis Appoints Aitor Moriñigo Muñoz as First CEO of U.S. Subsidiary, Satlantis LLC
Satlantis, a technology company specializing in high-resolution Earth observation payloads for microsatellites, is pleased to announce the appointment of Aitor Moriñigo Muñoz as the first Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of their American subsidiary, Satlantis LLC, a UF startup and resident client at UF Innovate | Accelerate. Morinigo Munoz brings industry experience and expertise to this pivotal role.