Mobile Stroke Treatment Unit Comes to UF Health Surgeon’s Rescue
UF Health’s Mobile Stroke Treatment Unit came to the rescue for Paul C Dell, MD, when he suffered a stroke at his home. Dr. Dell, an orthopaedic hand surgeon working at UF Health for 46 years, was sitting in a chair, unable to speak coherently or say his own name.
The MSTU was at the scene in under 10 minutes, as their unit is wired into 911 dispatch. The team conducted a CT scan of Dr. Dell’s brain in the driveway and assessed him for treatment while en route to the UF Health Neuromedicine Hospital.
Brian Hoh, MD, was waiting for Dr. Dell at the hospital and was able to extract the clot in his left carotid artery that caused the stroke. He credits the MSTU with significantly reducing the time needed to treat Dr. Dell, decreasing the risk of brain cell loss.
“When it comes to stroke, time really is brain,” Dr. Hoh said. “The combined data from large multicenter clinical trials have proven that the time spent to restore blood flow directly translates to the outcome for the patient. The incredible interdisciplinary stroke team at UF, with the addition of the new MSTU program, provides state-of-the-art, timely stroke care for our patients.”
Fewer than 20 programs like the MSTU exist throughout the country
Dr. Dell’s recovery has been successful, as he’s already back to working with patients and teaching.
Read more: Mobile Stroke Treatment Unit Comes to UF Health Surgeon’s Rescue.