Unlocking Lasting Transformative Resiliency Advances By Faster Actuation of Power Semiconductor Technologies SBIR/STTR Grant Opportunity

Unlocking Lasting Transformative Resiliency Advances By Faster Actuation of Power Semiconductor Technologies SBIR/STTR Grant Opportunity

28mar11:59 pmUnlocking Lasting Transformative Resiliency Advances By Faster Actuation of Power Semiconductor Technologies SBIR/STTR Grant Opportunity

Event Details

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs are Government-wide programs authorized under Section 9 of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. § 638). The objectives of the SBIR program are to (1) stimulate technological innovation in the private sector, (2) strengthen the role of Small Business Concerns in meeting Federal R&D needs, (3) increase private sector commercialization of innovations derived from Federal R&D activities, (4) foster and encourage participation by socially and economically disadvantaged and women-owned Small Business Concerns, and (5) improve the return on investment from Federally funded research and economic benefits to the Nation. The objective of the STTR program is to stimulate cooperative partnerships of ideas and technologies between Small Business Concerns and partnering Research Institutions through Federally funded R&D activities.

The goal of this FOA, entitled Unlocking Lasting Transformative Resiliency Advances by Faster Actuation of power Semiconductor Technologies (ULTRAFAST), is to advance the performance limits of silicon (Si), wide bandgap (WBG), and ultra-wide bandgap (UWBG) semiconductor devices and significantly improve their actuation methods to support a more capable, resilient, and reliable future grid. This new program seeks to engage technical experts from power electronics, optoelectronics, photonics, and other related fields to support the development of next-generation ultra-fast semiconductor devices and modules for enhanced resiliency, reliability, and control of power flow at all grid interfaces.

ARPA-E expects that ULTRAFAST projects will create new material, device, and/or power module technologies that enable realization of transformative power management and control not only to enable a dramatically improved grid, but also for future autonomous power distribution systems such as those for electric vehicles, all-electric aviation, and others. More specifically, ARPA-E is looking for semiconductor material, device and/or power module level advances to enable faster switching and/or triggering at higher current and voltage levels for improved control and protection of the grid.


March 28, 2023 11:59 pm(GMT-04:00)