Glint Pharmaceuticals Begins Clinical Trials to Treat Corneal Abrasions and Infections
UF startup Glint Pharmaceuticals, an ophthalmic pharmaceutical company that delivers medicated contact lenses to treat eye diseases, announces the start of a phase I safety study to treat corneal infections and superficial injuries. The first patients were dosed using the proprietary drug-eluting contact lens technology. The contact lens contains a broad-spectrum antibiotic released over days to treat bacterial infection and/or prevent infection after corneal injury. Patients will wear the drug-eluting contact lens for a defined period to determine safety and tolerability. No adverse events from the drug and lens combination were reported in the initial study. Enrollment is scheduled to conclude by the end of Q3 2021.
The annual market for superficial corneal injuries or mild corneal infections requiring an antibiotic includes more than 10 million patients in the US and EU. Current standard of care requires patients or their caregivers to administer antibiotic eye drops on a frequent basis over several days. The Glint lens will eliminate the need for antibiotic eye drops for these specific conditions. Enhanced compliance may lead to better therapeutic outcomes.
Learn more about Glint Pharmaceuticals Begins Clinical Trials to Treat Corneal Abrasions and Infections.