New White, Red Varieties From UF/IFAS Featured at This Year’s Florida Strawberry Festival
If you attend this year’s Florida Strawberry Festival, bear in mind that University of Florida scientists put a lot of effort into finding genetic traits that make the fruit flavorful for consumers and abundant for farmers.
As this year’s strawberry season comes to a close — and the festival is held from March 4-14, 2021 — UF/IFAS researchers announce two brand-new varieties: the white strawberry and a new red one.
The white strawberry seems the most novel.
“Because the white strawberry is being test-marketed this year, there has been a lot of interest in it,” said Vance Whitaker, a UF/IFAS associate professor of horticultural sciences and a strawberry breeder. “The flavor is very different from a typical strawberry, sweet but with a pineapple-like aroma. White strawberries have been popular for some time in Japan, but this is expected to be the first white strawberry on the market in the United States.”
Learn more about New White, Red Varieties From UF/IFAS Featured at This Year’s Florida Strawberry Festival.Related news:
Florida Growing New ‘Fifth Berry’ White Strawberry. White Strawberry One of Two New UF/IFAS Varieties Ready for Harvest Season.