NASA Invests $45M in US Small Businesses for Space Tech Development (NASA)

NASA Invests $45M in US Small Businesses for Space Tech Development

American businesses will help NASA land astronauts on the Moon in five years and establish a sustainable presence there, as part of the agency’s larger Moon to Mars exploration approach. NASA has selected 363 proposals from small businesses and research institutions across 41 states to help advance the types of capabilities needed for those future missions, as well as to support the agency in other areas.

Two of the proposals selected are from Gainesville-based Interdisciplinary Consulting Corporation (IC2). Born out of the distinguished labs of the Interdisciplinary Microsystems Group (IMG) at the University of Florida, IC2 builds on two decades of research and rigorous testing to deliver scientific-grade precision sensors that push the envelope of aerospace measurement accuracy and performance.

These selections have an estimated value of more than $45 million and are part of NASA’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs.

Learn more about NASA Invests $45M in US Small Businesses for Space Tech Development.

Learn more about the selection list here.