Fighting Marketing Fluff Workshop

Fighting Marketing Fluff Workshop

20oct8:00 am12:00 pmFighting Marketing Fluff WorkshopBecome your own marketer by learning strategic branding and copywriting skills

Event Details

If you’ve stopped trusting marketing experts, become your own marketer by learning strategic branding and copywriting skills at the Fighting Marketing Fluff Workshop.

Nobody knows your customer better than you. Nobody cares about your product more than you. Nobody works for your business harder than you.

At the workshop you will learn:

– How to recognize and take advantage of marketing opportunities in Gainesville;

– Why by effectively positioning your company, you will reposition your competition;

– How to make your writing bold and powerful;

– Why without a strategy, your business is fighting the ultimate race to the bottom.


October 20, 2018 8:00 am - 12:00 pm EST(GMT-05:00)