Intermittent Irrigation Can Save Strawberry Growers As Much as 67% on Water, Maintain Yield
As we enter the state’s strawberry-growing season, establishing young strawberry plants in the field requires substantial water. University of Florida research shows that growers can save as much as 67% — or up to half a million gallons per acre per season by alternating sprinkler cycles on and off — and get the same yield.
The establishment of strawberry transplants typically requires 355,680 to 456,000 gallons of water per acre over 10 days, or more than 600,000 gallons per acre with the extended use of sprinklers, said Shinsuke Agehara, a UF/IFAS associate professor of horticultural sciences and lead investigator of the study.
Read more about Intermittent Irrigation Can Save Strawberry Growers As Much as 67% on Water, Maintain Yield.