Tech Tuesday: University of Florida Professor Recognized With Innovator of the Year Award (TV20 WCJB)

Tech Tuesday: University of Florida Professor Recognized With Innovator of the Year Award

Dr. Elias Sayour, University of Florida Innovator of the Year

In this week’s Tech Tuesday, UF Innovate’s host Bethany Gaffey introduces Dr. Elias Sayour as the 2024 Innovator of the Year. Dr. Sayour was recognized for his groundbreaking work in developing unique cancer therapies, which have the potential to revolutionize cancer treatment and prevention.

“Innovator of the Year, a prestigious award by the University of Florida, recognizing remarkable work in science and technology. We’re here with Dr. Elias Sayour to learn more. Elias, thank you for joining us,” said Gaffey.

“Thank you for having me,” said Dr. Elias Sayour, associate professor of neurosurgery and pediatrics at the University of Florida.

Read more about University of Florida Professor Recognized With Innovator of the Year Award.