University of Florida’s Innovation Academy Showcases Prototypes Created by the Freshmen Class (WCJB TV20 News)

University of Florida’s Innovation Academy Showcases Prototypes Created by the Freshmen Class

Jeff Citty, UF Innovate Academy, discusses the academy’s Catalyst Showcase event.

In this week’s Tech Tuesday, Bethany Gaffey, our host, introduces us to the leader of UF’s Innovation Academy, who recently directed a Catalyst event to showcase prototypes created by the freshman class.

“What if I told you that innovation is not just a talent, but a skill that could be taught in a college course? We’re here at UF’s Innovation Academy to learn more. Dr. Citty, thank you for joining us. Tell us who you are and your role with UFIA,” said Bethany Gaffey, host of UF Innovate.

“Yeah. I’m Jeff Citty, the inaugural Director of the Innovation Academy here at the University of Florida. And I direct all aspects of the program, including our Catalyst event,” said Jeff Citty, director of the Innovation Academy at UF.

“And what does that mean for the program? What is the Catalyst event?” asked Gaffey.

Watch University of Florida’s Innovation Academy Showcases Prototypes Created by the Freshmen Class on TV20 News.