Accelerate Client GreenTechnologies, LLC Awarded Small Business Innovation Research Phase I Funding from EPA (US EPA)

Accelerate Client GreenTechnologies, LLC Awarded Small Business Innovation Research Phase I Funding from EPA

UF Innovate | Accelerate client GreenTechnologies, LLC has received $100,000 in funding from the United States Environmental Protection Agency to develop technologies that will help protect human health and the environment. The funding comes from a larger effort by the EPA to fund small businesses that are advancing innovative environmental technologies.

“EPA’s small business research funding allows us to harness the cutting-edge technology these small companies are developing to help solve complex environmental issues,” said Chris Frey, Assistant Administrator of EPA’s Office of Research and Development. “EPA’s funding will help these businesses move their designs from concept to reality and help grow the green economy.”

These small businesses will be given $100,000 and six months to develop “proof of concept” for their proposed technologies, with the chance to receive $400,000 in Phase II to develop their technologies and move them toward commercialization.

Read more about Accelerate Client GreenTechnologies, LLC Awarded Small Business Innovation Research Phase I Funding from EPA.