Medicine’s New Frontier: Clinicians and Researchers Aim To Combine Expertise With Artificial Intelligence To Improve Patients’ Lives (UF College of Medicine)

Medicine’s New Frontier: Clinicians and Researchers Aim To Combine Expertise With Artificial Intelligence To Improve Patients’ Lives

What may have sounded like science fiction just a few years ago is on the precipice of reality. UF’s strides in the field of artificial intelligence, including a $70 million partnership with the Silicon Valley-based technology company NVIDIA, are leading to research and industry innovations across all disciplines.

At the College of Medicine, experts say a focus on AI will result in better patient care, advancements in clinical research and new techniques to train the next generation of clinicians and medical scientists.

One way this has already happened is through the development of SynGatorTron™, an AI natural language processing model that generates synthetic patient data untraceable to real patients, which can be used to train the next generation of medical AI systems to understand conversational language and medical terminology.

Read more at Medicine’s New Frontier: Clinicians and Researchers Aim To Combine Expertise With Artificial Intelligence To Improve Patients’ Lives.