UF Researchers Create VR App To Help Medical Professionals De-Stress (Spectrum News 13)

UF Researchers Create VR App To Help Medical Professionals De-Stress

Researchers at the University of Florida have created virtual reality (VR) software to help medical professionals de-stress from the demands of work and the pandemic.

The app is called DREAMS, which stands for Digital Rehabilitation Environment Augmenting Medical System.

The app creates virtual lounges of scenic spots, which users can visit through a VR headset. The user puts on headphones to hear calming music and breathing exercises, as well as a headband to monitor their brain wave activity.

“The input device is no longer a gamepad or something like that. The input device is our very brain, and how we are doing is actually going to inform the content that’s happening in virtual reality,” explained the app’s co-creator Marko Suvajdzic, associate professor of digital arts and sciences at the University of Florida.

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