Century 22 Solutions Joins UF Innovate | The Hub (Century 22 Solutions)

Century 22 Solutions Joins UF Innovate | The Hub

Century 22 Solutions LLC, a technology services and solutions company that provides integration, UAV, R&D, and soft diplomacy services to government and commercial clients, is honored to be accepted as a Resident Client of UF Innovate | The Hub business incubator. In June 2020, the George W. Bush Institute and the Opus Faveo Innovation Development consulting firm recognized the University of Florida as No. 1 among the nation’s largest research institutions for innovation impact.

In addition to business incubation and development services, The Hub provides C22 access to the UF’s extensive research capabilities, such as its artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, biomedical research, and engineering expertise.

Read more about Century Century 22 Solutions Joins UF Innovate | The Hub.