UF Innovate | Tech Licensing Celebrates Best Year Ever

University of Florida researchers made more discoveries and licensed more technologies than ever in the fiscal year just ended, despite the coronavirus pandemic influencing the third and fourth quarters.
Researchers disclosed 393 new discoveries and UF Innovate | Tech Licensing signed a record 132 licenses and options, up from 331 disclosures and 122 licenses last year. Faculty also earned a record $900.7 million in research funding this fiscal year.
“As we reflect on the past four to five months dealing with COVID, to have a record year, a record number of deals, despite that is incredible,” said Jim O’Connell, assistant vice president of UF Innovate. “I also don’t want to lose sight of the record number of disclosures because that’s a measure of engagement – how much our faculty will work with us.”
Learn more about UF Innovate | Tech Licensing Celebrates Best Year Ever.