The Patient Is the Sun - Michael Okun (News + Notes)

The Patient Is the Sun – Michael Okun

Patients have greatly influenced Michael S. Okun, MD, in his life and in his work.

As the executive director of the Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases at UF Health and a professor and chair of Neurology, Okun has seen the beauty of human interaction in medical care.

In 1993, Okun was a second-year medical student at UF who was passionate about helping people heal. His undergraduate degree was in history and he had written creative works prior to attending medical school.

“I was so hungry for patient care when I was stuck in the lecture halls viewing outdated dusty slides on an old-fashioned carousel,” Okun said. “I saw clinical medicine as a path to impacting lives and I could not wait to get in the units.”

Learn more about The Patient Is the Sun – Michael Okun.