As Cases of Parkinson’s Disease Increase, Community Must Demand Funding, Change (The Telegraph)

As Cases of Parkinson’s Disease Increase, Community Must Demand Funding, Change

The odds of a person developing Parkinson’s disease over a lifetime are 1 in 15. It is the fastest-growing neurodegenerative disease and is overtaking Alzheimer’s for the top spot.

That stunning growth curve foreshadows bankruptcy for many health-care systems, said Dr. Michael Okun, of the Fixel Institute of Neurological Diseases and a leading international expert on Parkinson’s. He is one of four authors of the authoritative new book “Ending Parkinson’s: A Prescription for Change.”

That bleak future can be brightened if the Parkinson’s community organizes and forces changes like those in successful campaigns against polio, HIV and breast cancer.

Learn more about As Cases of Parkinson’s Disease Increase, Community Must Demand Funding, Change.