Oak Leaves Contain Potential Cure for Citrus Greening Disease, Researchers Say (UPI)

Oak Leaves Contain Potential Cure for Citrus Greening Disease, Researchers Say

Scientists in Florida have confirmed what some citrus growers suspected for years — that oak trees could inhibit citrus greening disease, which has brought the once-thriving Florida industry to the brink of collapse.

Oak leaves represent “the first potential organic cure” for the destructive tree sickness, said Lorenzo Rossi, a UF/IFAS biologist and co-author of a study published in the January 2020 issue of the journal Plant Physiology and Biochemistry.

Research over the past year at a University of Florida greenhouse in Fort Pierce showed that citrus trees recovered from citrus greening when sprayed and drenched with treated water twice a week for two months. The water was treated by steeping chopped oak leaves in it overnight, allowing leaf compounds to leach out, according to the published findings.

Learn more about Oak Leaves Contain Potential Cure for Citrus Greening Disease, Researchers Say.