FDA Clears Advancements for Viewray MRIdian Radiation Therapy System
UF startup ViewRay Inc. received 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market new soft tissue
The new upgradable capabilities enhance the features of MRIdian’s SmartVISION MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), including:
- Expanded high-definition visualization and enhanced contrast between different tissues, to assist clinicians with tissue visualization and beam contouring;
- The potential to aid in the assessment and prediction of tumor response to radiation therapy is enabled by “DWI”, a diffusion weighted imaging feature that tracks treatment progress by distinguishing between tumor and normal tissues;
- Faster, brighter, more detailed anatomical planar imaging to strike tumors with greater precision and accuracy through proprietary technology, which allows for a 2X increase in MRI speed (to 8 frames per second), a 2X increase in image resolution, and a 2X improvement in MR signal-to-noise ratio (SNR); and
- Potential reduction in treatment delivery time through enhanced multileaf collimator (MLC) speed.