
Tech Tuesday

Tech Tuesday: Desigators

In this week’s Tech Tuesday for WCJB TV20, UF Innovate’s Bethany Gaffey interviews recent graduate Alexander Weaver from the University of Florida...
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Tech Tuesday: Cade Prize 2024

The annual Cade Prize is accepting applications from inventors and early-stage startups. In this week's Tech Tuesday on TV20 WCJB, Bethany Gaffey discusses the competition with Cade Museum CEO Bradley Gamble.

Tech Tuesday: AIBL Tech

In this week's Tech Tuesday, Bethany Gaffey interviews Yuliia Hrynchenko, the COO of AIBL Tech, a local startup focusing on accessible smart prosthetics. The company was founded right here at the University of Florida’s College of Engineering.

Tech Tuesday: CamoReady

In this week’s Tech Tuesday, UF Innovate and SCAD Media go “under cover”, almost literally, as students at the University of Florida find a way to help the U.S. military camouflage their vehicles

Tech Tuesday: BioFlorida

In this week's Tech Tuesday for WCJB TV20, UF Innovate's Bethany Gaffey interviews Mark Glickman, president and CEO of BioFlorida, a statewide organization dedicated to connecting the life sciences across Florida.

Tech Tuesday: CareerSource

In this week's Tech Tuesday for WCJB TV20, UF Innovate's Bethany Gaffey interviews Phyllis Marty the CEO of CareerSource North Central Florida, a local workforce development board training and connecting people with jobs.

Tech Tuesday: Decentrafly

In this week’s Tech Tuesday for WCJB TV20, UF Innovate’s Bethany Gaffey speaks with John True, founder of Decentrafly, a Gainesville company selling secure airplane and drone tracking devices.

Tech Tuesday – Gainesville Hackerspace

In this week’s Tech Tuesday for WCJB TV20, UF Innovate’s Bethany Gaffey speaks with Kamin Miller, President of the Gainesville Hackerspace, a community nonprofit providing a space for creators to build out their ideas.

Tech Tuesday – Satlantis

In this week's Tech Tuesday for WCJB TV20, UF Innovate's Loren Miranda speaks with Aitor Moriñigo Muñoz, Executive Vice President of Satlantis, LLC, a local space tech company producing microsatellites and imaging technology.